How P-STIM Can Help With Foot and Ankle
Foot and ankle pain can prevent you
from carrying out normal daily activities. Anyone can suffer from
foot pain but certain groups seem to be at an increased risk,
including people who are on their feet for long periods of time,
people who are overweight, physically active people, as well as
middle aged men and women.
There are many ways to manage foot and
ankle pain. More and more people experiencing pain have found out
about P-STIM, a device that controls pain effectively.
P-STIM is the first and only FDA
approved, microchip controlled appliance for treating acute and
chronic pain. The device performs continuous point stimulation over
several days. It is placed behind the ear with adhesive and
generates low frequency electrical pulses transmitted to the
peripheral nerve endings in the ear through electrode leads. The
patient can continue with the normal daily tasks without any trouble.
P-STIM involves pulse stimulation. It
usually involves administering small 1 hertz stimulation to the pain
access points. P-STIM enhances the release of endorphins which are
the natural pain reducing hormones in the body.
How does P-STIM actually work?
In chronic pain cases, the imbalances
in the nervous system cause the pain to worsen over time. The
stimulation from P-STIM corrects these imbalances in addition to
endorphin release to decrease the pain.
Therapy with P-STIM can be used by
itself or in combination with other therapies for foot and ankle
pain. For acute and chronic pain, the P-STIM should always be used
for 4 days of therapy.
The use of P-STIM has its advantages
over other pain treatments. Daily activities can usually be carried
on without restrictions. This is also a drug free therapy with none
of the side effects of painkillers such as tolerance, liver damage,
and other adverse reactions. The procedure is done on an outpatient
basis with little or no complications at all. The P-STIM is tiny and
lightweight and comfy enough to wear behind the ear. The device can
easily be placed and can also be easily removed.
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