Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The Game-Changer in Bunion Surgery: Scarless, Minimally Invasive Techniques

Are you suffering from the agony of bunions, contemplating surgery, but deterred by the thought of scars and lengthy recovery times? If so, then this might just be the game-changer you've been waiting for.

Bunions, those painful bony bumps that develop at the base of the big toe, can wreak havoc on your mobility and quality of life. For many, the traditional approach to correcting bunions involves invasive surgery, leaving behind noticeable scars and requiring extensive recovery periods. However, there's a revolutionary alternative that's transforming the landscape of bunion treatment: Scarless, Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery.

Imagine undergoing bunion surgery without the fear of visible scars, minimal recovery time, and virtually no pain. Sounds too good to be true? Well, thanks to advancements in medical technology and innovative techniques pioneered by professionals like Dr. Kevin Lam, the Lam Bunionectomy or Scarless Bunionectomy is now a reality.

Dr. Kevin Lam has not only refined the traditional bunion surgery technique but has also taken it a step further by developing a minimally invasive approach that can be performed right in the comfort and safety of an office surgical suite. This groundbreaking method not only offers the benefit of minimal scarring but also ensures a quicker healing process with significantly reduced risk of complications.

Here's why No Scar Bunion Surgery is gaining traction and why you shouldn't consider any other option without exploring this innovative approach:

1. Minimal Recovery Time:

 Traditional bunion surgery often involves weeks or even months of recovery time, during which patients may experience discomfort and limitations in their daily activities. However, with Scarless Bunion Surgery, the recovery time is significantly shortened, allowing patients to return to their normal routines much sooner.

2. Virtually Painless: One of the biggest concerns for individuals considering bunion surgery is the fear of pain during and after the procedure. With the minimally invasive approach used in Scarless Bunion Surgery, patients experience minimal discomfort both during the surgery and throughout the recovery process.

3. No Visible Scars: Unlike traditional bunion surgery, which often leaves noticeable scars, Scarless Bunion Surgery leaves behind minimal to no visible scarring. This is particularly appealing for individuals who are conscious about their appearance and wish to avoid the tell-tale signs of surgery.

4. Office-Based Procedure: Scarless Bunion Surgery can be performed right in the office surgical suite, eliminating the need for hospitalization and providing added convenience for patients. This not only reduces the overall cost of the procedure but also ensures a comfortable and familiar environment for patients undergoing treatment. 

5. Reduced Risk of Complications: Dr. Kevin Lam's modified technique for Scarless Bunion Surgery has demonstrated a remarkable track record with no post-operative infections related to the procedure to date. This speaks volumes about the safety and effectiveness of this innovative approach. Patients undergoing surgery in office clinics may benefit from a lower risk of post-operative infections, contributing to better overall outcomes and faster recovery.

So if you're considering bunion surgery, don't make a decision without exploring the option of Scarless Bunion Surgery. With its minimal recovery time, virtually painless experience, and no visible scars, it represents a paradigm shift in the field of bunion treatment. Consult with a qualified healthcare professional, such as Dr. Kevin Lam, to learn more about this groundbreaking technique and how it can help you put an end to the misery of bunions once and for all. Say goodbye to pain, scars, and lengthy recovery times – and hello to a future of improved mobility and comfort.


Video transcription:

This foot --  minimally invasive surgery at about three months ago we did this foot  again, we did the whole forefoot pretty much, this one left we did it  -- as you can see the marking for the Weil osteotomy, the bunionectomy, this one still has the pin and we're a little bit about two months -- a little more, plus or minus two months.

"It's two months". 

Two months exactly. Okay thank you for correcting [patient laughs] but that looks great, that looks awesome, just a couple weeks behind, she's a brave one to do both feet at the same time but now you have two regular-looking feet. What do you think?

"Happy, happy, Very happy."

Well that's the incision right there and this is the incision right here two months and three months out, going back in sneakers, a little bit more recovery on this one but we're gonna pull the pin today so let's go. Both bunionectomies were done. Where's the scar -- there are none, right there. Both feet have been done. Looking good, looking good. there's the scar there's the scar, it's really not much, we're doing a follow-up today, the lady came from Orlando, home of Mickey Mouse. Looks really good there, awesome.


This was the previous patient, this is the post-op x-ray today. How long ago since the surgery dear?

"Oh, this was July -- one June, one July."

One June, one July, we are in October. Looking good, everything looks good, hardly any pain, her -- as you can see, she's doing very, very well. This is the beauty of the minimally invasive surgery, we did Weil osteotomy number 2, 3, 4, and 5; did hammer toe correction number 2, 3, 4 right here and 5 you see the incision is quite small right here, small incision, a small incision hidden right there, small incision hidden right in there, we have 2, 3, 4, 5 metatarsal, so we're able to cut the bones through the skin with the aid intraoperative fluoroscopy and you said your husband said your toes are what again?

[Patient laughs] "Look the best they have in years".

Beautiful, well I'm glad you like it, it's going to continue healing and you're going to do great dear.


This is 11 weeks, we have the Peabody -- reverse Peabody bunionectomy and then we had second metatarsal Weil osteotomy, so we -- she had a lot of pins on met 2 so we did a plantar surgery of the first ray metatarsal head, there's your scar and then here's your scar for the tailor's, here's your scar for the Weil osteotomy where we cut the second metatarsal in order to realign the joint so far it looks really good, it's 11 weeks, back to golf, back to your activity. I think you're going to continue to get better


It's awesome.

Dr. Lam just taking a little break in between my day had an awesome visit with one of my patients, she's 3 years out of the minimally invasive bunionectomy, a very young active female. And  as you could hear from her own story 

I didn't think she would wear high heels again or dance or etc. I set her expectations straight, she came to me with some arthritis in the big toe joint as well as the second toe joint as you can see on the x-ray you'll see two screws in there because I had to go ahead and fix that second toe joint too because it was dislocated, hammertoe etc.

So she comes in three years later her complaint is 4th and 5th toe pain and contracture we didn't quite address those the last time because that wasn't bothering her, so the things we did address is the bunion, the hammer toe, the dislocated joint, she was in pretty bad shape, she could not walk, could not run and I'll be realistic, you know, can't promise the world when you come in with already arthritis in those joints already, so we took a risk, I told her that likely she won't be able to run or wear high heels. Anyway I'll make her look better but 3 years later she's as happy can be, referred to me a lot of patients for the minimally invasive bunionectomy you'll see on the x-ray, you'll see the results what it looks like 3 years after surgery, the healing is awesome.

Patient does not feel any pain when we did the surgery, she has  fourth and fifth toe hammertoe, it happens, they are live tendons moving around in there so we just have to fix that, considering the circumstances she is very happy, she actually exceeded expectations where she can actually go and dance and run and cycle and stay active, she's a very active young lady and you know, it brings me joy to see these patients come back three years, four years, five years out of their Lam bunionectomy and you know that their life has changed, it's a big life-changing experience sometimes with these bunionectomies you never would think she referred a friend and neighbor to me, we're going to fix her soon but you know, there's really no need to wait to get the bunionectomy nowadays, believe it or not over the last -- I would say a few months, right now I've been starting to use the uh minimally invasive Arthrex burr, we started using it, utilizing a saw as it's described, a power saw, I really didn't like that so I went ahead and went away from the power saw because it could generate heat and damage to tissues so went away from that, I went back to the old osteotome which is a chisel and a hammer, the reason why we did that was because to limit the amount of heat to limit the amount of soft tissue damage and that worked really well, that's what this lady had but now within the last few months last half of the year, I would say 2018, Arthrex came out with this soft tissue burr that does not cut -- I mean not soft tissue bone burr that does not cut soft tissue so it's the opposite of what's just said it does not cut soft tissue so which is great it can -- we could go ahead and cut bone and selectively cut bone and not cut tendon, nerve, and vital structures and makes the minimally invasive bunionectomy more minimally invasive, believe it or not, it's just a one stitch, one stab incision, it's not even an incision at all; not even --  it used to be three to six millimeters incision now it's a stab, a stab wound, that's all it is, to get the burr in there and make the cut

The cut is faster and more accurate. And I'm very excited about this guys it's a great advancement in bunion surgery a lot of times patients ask -- I even get calls from other doctors, physicians asking what makes your bunionectomy so different?

Well if you read my website, the bunionectomy is different, we use the minimally invasive method a few of us do it in the United States, it's an adaptation for an older procedure but you know, sometimes the classic is better we don't do a lot of soft tissue damage that's why it's minimally invasive. Our patients do really well with that; proof is in the pudding, follow the next part of this video, subscribe to me on YouTube, you can find me on Instagram, Dr. Kevin Lam, the proof is in the picture and the pudding and the patient testimonials. This is a great way of getting a bunionectomy done, 99% of my bunionectomies are done this way nowadays, there are other reasons why I wouldn't do it but majority of my patients do get it, it's catching a wave that Arthrex, a big orthopedic company as well as Wright Medical has been promoting such minimally invasive surgery, it is catching but not a lot of people understand it yet, not a lot of people in my profession understand or the orthopedic or podiatric community really understand this procedure, you really have to see it to believe it but I've been doing it for years and patients love it, 99% of my patients go through this bunionectomy. Again check it out, go ahead subscribe to my channel you'll see a lot more of these videos with patient testimonials involved, okay thank you

Minimally invasive bunionectomy, three years out, how are you liking it?

"I love it". 

Yeah well thanks for referring your friend I almost forgot .

"Oh gosh, yes. I can wear high heels and you said i wasn't going to be able to for a while, and i wear the highest heels ever"


Well good, we have your alignment in place, there's no bump on the side ,the bump is gone, it's  sort of like that, resorbed a lot and there's really no scar

"No scar at all and I was back running. Within a few -- I'd say a month and a half"

Beautiful. Now your back, we'll fix the other two toes, number four and five those are hammer toes but not a big deal, we'll get you taken care of, okay? 

"Thank you so much". 

You were awesome.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Revolutionizing Hallux Rigidus Treatment: Minimally Invasive Approach by Dr. Kevin Lam


The Minimally Invasive Approach to Hallux Rigidus by Dr. Kevin Lam

Hallux rigidus, often referred to as big toe joint arthritis, is a debilitating condition that can severely impact mobility and quality of life. Often confused with bunions, Hallux rigidus and its precursor, Hallux limitus, present unique challenges for patients seeking relief. Let us explore the groundbreaking work of Dr. Kevin Lam, D.P.M., FACFAS, DABLES, DABPS, in revolutionizing the treatment of Hallux rigidus through minimally invasive techniques.

Understanding Hallux Rigidus and Hallux Limitus:

Before delving into treatment options, it's crucial to differentiate between Hallux rigidus and Hallux limitus. While both conditions affect the big toe joint, Hallux rigidus refers to advanced arthritis of the joint, resulting in stiffness, pain, and limited range of motion. Conversely, Hallux limitus is characterized by restricted motion at the joint, often mistaken for a dorsal bunion.

The Conventional Approach vs. Minimally Invasive Surgery:

Traditionally, the treatment for Hallux rigidus has involved joint fusion or more invasive surgical procedures. However, Dr. Kevin Lam has pioneered a minimally invasive approach that offers patients a faster recovery and superior outcomes.

In a live case demonstration, Dr. Lam showcases the minimally invasive technique, making a small stab incision and using a rotating burr to precisely remove the bone spur causing pain and stiffness. Unlike traditional methods, which may require extensive incisions and prolonged recovery periods, patients undergoing minimally invasive surgery heal with just one stitch and can walk immediately post-procedure.

Benefits of Minimally Invasive Surgery:

The advantages of minimally invasive surgery for Hallux rigidus are manifold. Patients experience minimal wound healing complications, reduced postoperative pain, and faster return to daily activities. Additionally, the preservation of healthy tissue and smaller incisions result in cosmetically appealing outcomes, with virtually no visible scarring.

Comparing Minimally Invasive Surgery to Traditional Joint Fusion:

One of the key distinctions between minimally invasive surgery and traditional joint fusion lies in the preservation of joint motion. While joint fusion aims to eliminate pain by fusing the bones together, it can limit mobility and may necessitate alterations in gait. In contrast, minimally invasive techniques focus on preserving joint function while addressing the underlying pathology, allowing patients to maintain a more natural range of motion and mobility.

Dr. Kevin Lam's innovative approach to treating Hallux rigidus represents a paradigm shift in foot and ankle surgery. By embracing minimally invasive techniques, patients can undergo treatment with confidence, knowing they'll experience less pain, faster recovery, and superior outcomes. If you're suffering from Hallux rigidus, consider consulting with Dr. Lam to explore the benefits of minimally invasive surgery and take the first step towards reclaiming your mobility and quality of life.


Video Transcription:

Hi guys this is Dr. Lam talking about hallux limitus, we're going to go over a case, a live case later on

but I just want to give you a little background of hallux limitus.

Hallux limitus or AKA big toe joint arthritis sometimes people come in and confuse that with a bunion, okay this foot model is a bunion but hallux limitus is what we call a dorsal bunion or you get this bunion, this bump on top of the big toe joint, it can also be gout but we can figure that out really easily with an x-ray. So let's talk about hallux limitus / rigidus today in this video, again we'll show you a live case and show now we're able to now make a small little incision on top, I'm gonna show you on top a small little incision you'll see a live case basically make a small incision on top right about here that's the big toe joint as you can see trying to work backwards here pretty much I stick a rotating burr that protects the tendon and the nerve, it only cuts bone no soft tissue; soft tissue is well protected so I make a small little stab incision, put this burr in there and just pretty much just burr down the spur basically just cut down the spur as you'll see

Okay this is Dr. Lam again coming to you from one of the rooms where we talk about hallux limitus, we're gonna go right here hallux rigidus make a small little incision in the skin, put the burr down here and just burr this down so that reach over and burr this down a little bit too and you'll see before and after the rigidus is very painful because it's jamming right about here, the joint is jamming so traditionally we would open it up, shave it down this way and you still cause a lot of stiffness, so what did we do? Didn't really help very much, right?

So now we're able to do it minimally invasively and  able to burr this down without opening up the joint and that seems to get better results, we're not exposing the bone -- I mean we're not exposing to air and patients heel with one stitch they're walking on it right away, no wound healing complications and patients get back to activity almost right away depending on how bad your spur is. Now if it's really bad, the stage of the hallux limitus obviously the very severe cases the joint fusion is still the best choice but we pushed the limit on this before, I've had patients who say, "Doc I don't care, I know you tell me that I need a fusion or an implant but I would like to try the minimally invasive cheilectomy.

Well this case will show one of those cases, enjoy.

Hallux rigidus right here, big bump on top right here the whole joint is inflamed, it's locked and there's really not much motion and range of motion is right about here, it's locked so the bones were right here so that we're going to try to get rid of this with the minimally invasive method, we're going to look from here this side again, you see that locking mechanism right there causing a lot of pain, the goal is to go ahead and shave this bunch off with a small little incision so that the joint can at least move up to about 90 degrees today, that's my goal today is get up to 90 degrees with the MIS method. Let's take a look.

Take a shot. Finish off right here, and that's what we have, just pull out the bone paste all that bone paste out of the bone, okay, yes, that's all the bone paste, now let's watch the range of motion now, we had a big spur right here before on both sides, now motion motion is great checking the motion right here check out the motion from the side, range of motion pushing that motion all the way up.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Unveiling the Truth Behind Bunionectomies


Bunion surgery, or bunionectomy, has long been associated with discomfort, lengthy recovery periods, and visible scars. However, advancements in medical technology have paved the way for a revolutionary approach – minimally invasive bunion surgery. Let us look into the ins and outs of bunionectomies, explore the benefits of minimally invasive techniques, and shed light on what your doctor may not tell you.

Understanding Bunionectomies:

Bunions are a common foot deformity characterized by a bony bump at the base of the big toe. They can cause pain, swelling, and difficulty wearing shoes. While conservative treatments like padding, orthotics, and shoe modifications may provide relief, severe cases often require surgical intervention.

Traditional bunion surgeries involve making large incisions, realigning the bone, and often using screws or plates to stabilize the joint. However, these procedures come with drawbacks such as extensive scarring, prolonged recovery times, and the risk of complications.

Enter Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery:

Minimally invasive bunion surgery represents a paradigm shift in the treatment of bunions. Unlike traditional methods, which require large incisions and significant bone manipulation, minimally invasive techniques utilize small incisions and specialized instruments to correct the deformity.

One notable approach is offered at ScarlessBunion.com, where surgeons employ state-of-the-art technology to perform bunionectomies with minimal trauma to surrounding tissues. This results in faster recovery times, reduced postoperative pain, and virtually invisible scars.

What Your Doctor Might Not Tell You:

Despite the numerous benefits of minimally invasive bunion surgery, many patients are unaware of this option. Some doctors may still recommend traditional techniques out of habit or lack of familiarity with newer methods. Additionally, insurance coverage for minimally invasive procedures may vary, leading some physicians to default to conventional approaches.

However, it's essential to advocate for yourself and explore all available options when considering bunion surgery. Doing thorough research, seeking multiple opinions, and asking specific questions about surgical techniques can empower you to make an informed decision that aligns with your needs and preferences.

Bunion surgery no longer needs to be synonymous with pain, visible scars, and lengthy recovery times. With the advent of minimally invasive techniques, patients can undergo bunionectomies with confidence, knowing that they're receiving cutting-edge care that prioritizes their well-being.

If you're suffering from bunions and contemplating surgery, don't settle for outdated methods. Explore the possibilities offered by minimally invasive bunion surgery and take the first step towards reclaiming your comfort and mobility.

Visit scarlessbunion.com to learn more about our innovative approach and schedule a consultation with our experienced team. Say goodbye to bunions and hello to a scarless, pain-free future!


Video Transcription:

This foot now, bunionectomy on this side?

"This was 6/21"

Okay, so we're talking about four months ago, about. This one is two weeks old. This is in the path of recovery here. As you can see, this is the minimally invasive bunionectomy. This was done about, again, four months ago. The complete healing. You see four months into the future. This is what it looks like at 2 weeks. She's doing great.  Little marks still there, the pins still there.  

We're gonna pull out the fifth toe pin today and wrap her up. We'll be alright. Pulling out the  fifth toe pin right now. One, two, three...fifth toe comes out in about 2 to 4 weeks but 2 weeks  should be sufficient for her. Again, we're gonna  look at the scars...there are none. This is the  minimally invasive bunionectomy. Again, this is 4 months out. And this is fresh at 2 weeks out.  

Double stabilization, the pin was just taken out the fifth toe today.  Awesome.

Well, today was an awesome day of the minimally invasive bunionectomy follow-up today. We have patients coming in from all over the United States, all over the world.  This is the most, I would say, 
the most amount of bilateral cases. 

Usually people get their bunionectomy they get horror stories about pain, et cetera, they don't come back for the second foot. Well, I can tell you, minimally invasive bunionectomy --a lot of people are coming back for both.

As you can see, two patients in a row today. This patient, did one four months ago, and she's 2 weeks into the other one. She's doing great. She came in sneakers on the one foot.

Minimally Invasive Bunionectomy, there's a lot of controversy between people that want to do the massive extensive incision versus minimally invasive.

You be the judge. Comes with experience and the technique and we're glad to be -- we're happy to be on the forefront of this technology.

The minimally invasive bunionectomy, keyhole bunionectomy or Cinderella bunionectomy. They call it many different ways. Either way, patients do really well with the Family Foot and Leg Center.

We keep you walking.
Naples, Florida up to Port Charlotte.
(239) 430-3668 (FOOT)
Option #2 for our schedulers.

You can also schedule yourself online, NaplesPodiatrist.com

Hope to meet you soon. Take care.

Patient Testimonial: Life-Changing First Metatarsal Phalangeal Joint Fusion | Family Foot & Leg Center

Embark on a journey of transformation as you witness the life-changing impact of a first metatarsal phalangeal joint fusion in this compelling patient testimonial from Family Foot & Leg Center, under the guidance of Dr. Kevin Lam.

Concerns often arise regarding decreased activity post-fusion, but this testimonial defies common misconceptions. Through heartfelt accounts and real-life experiences, the patient shares how the fusion procedure has liberated them from debilitating joint pain, enabling a return to an active and fulfilling lifestyle.

While implants may offer alternative solutions, this testimonial reaffirms the fusion as the gold standard for alleviating first metatarsal phalangeal joint pain. Dr. Kevin Lam's expertise shines as he expertly navigates the complexities of patient and procedure selection, ensuring optimal outcomes and unparalleled patient satisfaction.

Experience the artistry of medical care at Family Foot & Leg Center, where every patient receives personalized attention and comprehensive treatment. Discover the transformative power of this procedure and embark on a journey towards renewed mobility, comfort, and quality of life.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights into the remarkable results achieved through skilled hands and compassionate care. Trust Dr. Kevin Lam and the dedicated team at Family Foot & Leg Center to guide you towards a brighter, pain-free future.


Video transcription:



How's everything feeling?

"Better, better, better. I am more than better."

Awesome. That looks great.

"You're a miracle worker.  I can't even tell you. I can hug you everyday. I would." [laughs]

Wow, thank you.

"I walk almost 3 miles a day."


"Yeah, everyday. And I don't think I've been happier  in years. You gave me my life back.

You really did, yeah."

Wow. Congratulations, okay.

"Oh, I got my hug. I got my hug." [laughs]

And we make sure I cover everything for you. Now, what was your hesitation about -- a lot of times people get  hesitant about the fusion procedure.

"I really -- you know, just the thought that I would be in a boot all those weeks and I had no idea, you know, what it would be like. So I had cancelled a few times because I was scared and finally it got so bad where I said, well, now you got to do it. And I'm gonna trust you. And I did, and boy, am I happy I did."

Well you have no -- it looks like before surgery you had a lot of arthritis in this toe joint. It looks like a bunion to you but that is very arthritic.


So now look at how straight it is?

"I know. Now you have to fix the other one because they don't match."

Now we'll make it match, right?

[patient laughs]

Well, whenever you're ready we'll make that one. Let's see how this one looks, okay?

"Yeah. Yeah, they just don't match, see?"

Well, this was really bad so if you look at the foot right here how this one looks right here. I mean, this was worse and then -- and this is what it looks right now this is a fusion, we fused it so she's walking off this toe right now, no problems. And she'd doing really well. We also actually made 2 surgeries right here too, 2 cuts right here, the Y osteotomy we cut the bone right here and we shift it so it looks really, really good so I would say whenever you're ready to talk about surgery on this foot, you let me know, otherwise, you enjoy your new feet, okay?

"Oh, I tell you, every morning I get up and I'm like, I feel like I'm 30 years younger."

Oh great.

"I can't even tell you, yeah. I can't even tell you."

Well you keep it up, this looks really good and we can make that one match whenever you're ready now

it's at your time now, okay, dear?

"Yeah, you bet. Thank you."

At the Family Foot & Leg Center (FFLC), we take pride in our expansive network of cutting-edge clinics spread strategically throughout Collier, Lee, Charlotte, and Sarasota Counties, ensuring that no matter where you are in Florida, expert foot and ankle care is within reach. Our mission is to help you overcome your foot and ankle challenges swiftly and effectively, so you can return to your active lifestyle as quickly as possible. With our advanced treatment options and a team of dedicated specialists, FFLC is committed to providing you with the best care possible, conveniently located right in your neighborhood.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Revolutionizing Foot Care: The Power of Standing CT Scan at Family Foot & Leg Center

In the realm of foot care, precision is paramount. Every step, every movement, holds valuable information that can guide diagnosis and treatment. Yet, traditional imaging methods often fall short, unable to capture the full scope of foot pathologies in real-life conditions. That's where Standing CT Scan technology steps in, offering a revolutionary approach to foot diagnostics and treatment planning.

At Family Foot & Leg Center, we're proud to lead the charge in embracing this cutting-edge technology. Standing CT Scan enables us to see pathologies while patients are standing, providing a comprehensive view of foot structure and function. Unlike traditional plain films, which offer limited insights and may vary between sitting and standing positions, Standing CT Scan delivers consistent, accurate results, mirroring the weight-bearing conditions of daily life.

Why Standing CT Scan?

The significance of Standing CT Scan lies in its ability to capture foot pathologies in their natural state – under the pressure of weight-bearing. This dynamic imaging approach allows us to assess foot conditions as they present themselves during movement, providing invaluable insights into gait abnormalities, joint alignment issues, and other factors contributing to foot pain and discomfort.

The Benefits for Medial Sesamoiditis

One area where Standing CT Scan truly shines is in medial sesamoiditis. The benefits of Standing CT Scan for medial sesamoiditis are truly transformative. This innovative imaging technology allows us to precisely visualize the sesamoid bones and surrounding structures while the patient is standing, offering unparalleled insights into the extent and nature of the condition. By accurately pinpointing the location and severity of sesamoiditis, our team of skilled podiatrists can tailor treatment plans to address the root cause of the problem effectively. Whether it involves conservative measures such as orthotics and physical therapy or more advanced interventions like medial sesamoidectomy, Standing CT Scan empowers us to provide patients with personalized care that yields optimal outcomes. With this groundbreaking technology at our disposal, we can alleviate pain, restore function, and improve the overall quality of life for individuals suffering from medial sesamoiditis.

Leading the Way in Foot Care

Family Foot & Leg Center stands at the forefront of innovation in foot care. As the only practice in Southwest Florida equipped with Standing CT Scan technology, we're committed to providing our patients with the highest standard of care. Our team of experienced podiatrists combines advanced technology with personalized treatment plans, ensuring that each patient receives tailored solutions that address their unique needs.

Experience Better Technology, Better Care

In a field where precision is everything, Standing CT Scan sets a new standard for foot diagnostics and treatment. Experience the difference at Family Foot & Leg Center – where better technology means better care. Schedule your appointment today and take the first step towards healthier, happier feet.

With multiple centers conveniently located throughout Lee, Collier, Sarasota, and Charlotte Counties in Florida, exceptional foot care is just a phone call away. Contact us at (239) 430-3668 (FOOT) option 2 and see the difference that Standing CT Scan can make in your foot health journey.

Don't let foot pain hold you back. Discover the power of Standing CT Scan at Family Foot & Leg Center and step into a future of better foot care today.


Hey, this is Dr. Lam here, just came out of surgery, taken out the medial sesamoid -- medial sesamoiditis on a patient that's a diabetic and she keeps on having this pre-ulcerative lesion down there at the medial sesamoid.

So having a stand up CT scanner has been a great addition to our practice. We're able to see pathology at weight bearing, we are able to cut up the foot in different sections for us to see the pathology for the detail.

This was impossible prior to having this CT scanner. So great diagnostic tools with the suspicion for a problem we could figure out a lot of different pathologies that others may have missed.

So at the Family Foot & Leg Center "we keep you walking" -- only the best for our patients.

Well this is a case of an enlarged medial sesamoid on a patient. Medial sesamoid being right here. It's hard to see on the plain film, you can look at the lateral view right here you can't really see much of that either.

Someone else did the bunionectomy many years ago and there you go,

I'm not here to make it beautiful but she has a lot of pain sub medial sesamoid. We're gonna go all the way over here, we're gonna see on the CT scan why she's feeling the pain right here.

See that sesamoid, it's really enlarged and we did ultrasound scans about three millimeters from the surface of the skin so having the ability to be able to go through a CT scanner like this via weight bearing it is very important for patient care and we have this available at Family Foot & Leg Center for our patients, we're able to take care of this patient immediately in the office via excision of that medial sesamoid.

This medial sesamoid measured about 2 cm,as you may or may not know these bones are not supposed to be that big, they're supposed to be probably about one centimeter at most. This is the bone we're talking about, medial sesamoid right here, there are other drawings in here but this is the medial sesamoid.

As you can see, it's supposed to be nice, round, hers is very degenerated and again this is how it's supposed to look. That is very normal, we all have this -- there's enough fat, supposed to be enough fat right here to cushion this but when it's enlarged and arthritic -- and arthritic because it's probably a repeat trauma or just arthritic from years of arthritis in the first metatarsal phalangeal joint, the big toe joint, if this gets enlarged when this gets enlarged right here, the sesamoid becomes almost like a rock pushing -- trying to push through the bottom of the skin and that's happening in our diabetic patients.

So again having a CT scan and having the ability to see the CT cutting the foot into many pieces while you're standing, it's great for us diagnostically in order to help treat patients effectively.

At the Family Foot & Leg Center, only the best.

We take pride in our expansive network of cutting-edge clinics spread strategically throughout Collier, Lee, Charlotte, and Sarasota Counties, ensuring that no matter where you are in Florida, expert foot and ankle care is within reach. Our mission is to help you overcome your foot and ankle challenges swiftly and effectively, so you can return to your active lifestyle as quickly as possible. With our advanced treatment options and a team of dedicated specialists, FFLC is committed to providing you with the best care possible, conveniently located right in your neighborhood.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Stump neuroma cured!


A 69 year-old female patient, she had a history of neuroma surgery here, you can see the scar and she comes in with significant pain? 


How much pain did you have before? 

"I couldn't walk. I couldn't walk a half a block without it totally hurting and one to ten, it was a nine.

And then you had surgery. After surgery, how much pain did you have?

After three months, the neuroma grew back. And the pain was the same as it was  before, within four or five months.

Okay so that is the complication of a neuroma surgery, it happens, we don't know why, but it happens. So that's why I tend not to do that. But this is a good example of a patient coming in with after neuroma surgery and having more pain.

So now we went to a radiofrequency ablation and with the radiofrequency ablation pretty much I stuck a probe in through here and went in and burned the nerve for you so I did not have to remake the incision. Basically, I numbed you up and burned it. So we did two treatments one month apart.


So after the first treatment, how much improvement have you had?

"At least 50% and the pain from the foot being squeezed was totally gone"

So this pain being squeezed is gone as you are saying? 

"It's totally gone, yes." 

Okay because sometimes when you do this you aggravate that nerve. So, with that, pain is gone.  

"That pain was totally gone. Still hurt a little bit on the bottom. Okay and then we did surgery two."

The RFA number two? 


Radiofrequency number two we did about a month later. How much pain did that take away?

"Right now after four weeks almost there's no pain. I mean it's just I wear my shoes, the one that I am supposed to wear and when I go out at night or go out for dinner I do change and wear normal shoes."

Okay, well overall would you rate the radiofrequency as very good, very happy versus the surgery?

"Excellent versus surgery."

Good, well you still have some swelling to go believe it or not so you'll have some more healing to do and I think you'll do a lot better. 

"Thank you."

You know you've done awesome, any words of wisdom for people thinking about radiofrequency or surgery etcetera?

"I would do the radio frequency again before the surgery. I went to Boston to do the surgery at no -- did I go to Boston -- no, I went to ...I forgot where I went"[laughs] I went up north to get it done because they were supposed to be really good and the surgery was terrible."

Well, it's unpredictable, I always tell my patients, no matter who does the surgery, it's not dependable. It's not predictable.

"No, it wasn't." 

Same surgeon, same hands, same technique we can't predict. 

"Right, no."

So radiofrequency we really have no side effects to it and patients do well.

"No side effects -- I drove myself home after the surgery and just you know, started walking again without pain."

Well excellent. Well, thank you for the testimonial and a lot of people ask what to expect, so you're a perfect example, you're two months out now, you're 2 radiofrequencies in and the scar's not ours, the scars were you came in with, but look at that, she's moving good, she's recovering well and she's back to life again.

"Yes, and do the physical therapy, it helps."

Physical therapy is very important afterwards to break up the scar tissue especially if you have previous surgery.

So, awesome, well thanks for your information, I really appreciate it.

"Thank you." 

You're welcome.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

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If you reside in Sarasota, FL, and are in need of exceptional foot and ankle care, the Family Foot and Leg Center is the ideal choice for you. Featuring the expertise of Dr. Isin Mustafa, this center is committed to providing comprehensive, patient-centered care. From their experienced and qualified staff to their state-of-the-art technologies, the Family Foot and Leg Center is dedicated to improving your foot and ankle health. Don’t let foot and ankle discomfort hold you back—visit the Family Foot and Leg Center today and take the first step toward healthier, pain-free feet and ankles.